
NYC Stormwater Flood Maps. Make it more accurate and timely; have residents upload pictures and description of flooding at their home.

Businesses pooled resources to build a flood wall behind Yellowstone Boulevard.

Entrance to the back driveway of Booth Street off 66 Avenue has a big drop. It’s the lowest point, and rainwater often could not drain out fast enough creating feet high pools flooding nearby homes.

Flooding is a major concern along 68 Avenue in Forest Hills, yet the City has money to redo curb cuts, but not sewage piping!

A homeowner spent $10K to flood proof its walls at Juno Street, but still get flooded from City’s sewage backups. A nearby resident wants to sell her home, and move to a higher ground a few blocks away.

Corner of 69 Avenue and Juno Street is one of the worst flooding area in Forest Hills. Residents have been denied erecting barriers against street ponding runoffs by Forest Hills Van-Court Association, Inc.

Multiple residents along Selfridge Street from Metropolitan Avenue to Kessel Street have varying degree of flood problem from a few inches to two feet plus. Check value did not help in certain circumstances.

Forest Hills has many flooding spots including Manse Street and 72nd Road, Ingram Street between Ascan and Puritan…

Basement flooding at Ascan Avenue between Juno and Kessel in April 2023, even after having a “check valve” installed.

Forest Hills Gardens Corporation is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the community including its streets and sidewalks. Who is responsible for fixing flood problems?

Catch basin at 81 Avenue and Kew Gardens Road clogs easily flooding this corner after every rain.

Illogically, residents at the top of the Audley Street hill is experiencing sewage backup flooding in their homes beginning two years ago.

September 29, 2023. Tropical storm Ophelia struck New York City again after having made landfall on the North Caroline coast 6 days before.

Flooding can be caused by the City. 67 Road had its 10th water main service interruption this year, sometimes without serving any notice. Several homeowners reported in-house flooding when returning from work.

Morning of August 16, 2023 at 101 Avenue and 99 Street.

Tree roots at 85-17 108 Street have blocked sewer pipe. Instead of flowing to main sewers, rain water flows to sidewalk, and take days to dry.

It’s not a flood at 101-52 111 Street, but the fire hydrant pipe has been leaking for months.

At 102 Avenue and 135 Street last year. Residents felt calling 311 is useless.

The sewer catch basin in front of 67-38 Burns Street has grown more dangerous over the past two years as cement and metal covering fell in. Any dog, cat or toddler could easily fall through.

April 30, 2023

Forest Hills on Union Turnpike by Forest Park. At least 2 cars were towed.

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October 2022

Candidate for City Council in 2023