How do I vote? Story from a voter.

People said ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo was bad; Governor Kathy Hochul?

JL of Richmond Hill said that when trees needed trimming along 126 Street, he was able to call someone at Cuomo’s office who had it done. He has been appreciative, and will vote for the ex-Governor if he runs again.

JL was dropped from Con Edison’s Energy Affordability Program for the third time in as many years. He contacted State’s Public Service Commission (PSC) to have it restored, and was told that he was notified in writing even though he never received any warning letters.

Since PSC is a State agency, he wants to inform Governor Kathy Hochul of this systemic notification problem. To contact her office, he needs to fill out a generic contact page. The phone number listed requires leaving a message. JL feels the government is so impersonal, and does not know whether his concern will be acted on.

Candidate for City Council in 2023