Revisiting Local Law 11: NYC Façade Inspection & Safety Program (FISP)

RCNY §103-04 rules. A shareholder in Forest Hills complained that his 200-unit, 7-floor coop paid $250,000 last cycle to a Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector. Report was “SWARMP”. The current cycle has the same designation, but the cost tripled to $750,000.

Another 130-unit coop in Kew Gardens had one brick off, and its shareholders need to pay $500,000 to get it fixed. The cost of scaffolding sheds is more expensive than fixing one brick.

About 12,500 buildings in NYC over six stories must comply with Local Law 11. The law should be re-examined to exempt low rise buildings, those having “safe” reports, and/or those not abutting public sidewalk. Building Department should also publish approved alternative methods determining tie condition and spacing by Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector.

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