Then Governor Cuomo authorized it in 2013 Section 1180-b of New York State’s Vehicle and Traffic Law allowing it in 20 NYC school speed zones. In 2014, it expanded to 140 school speed zones. In 2019, 750 zones. Starting on August 1, 2022, from 6 am to 10 pm to 24/7. Objective: Eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries. Really?
There is no comparable report on traffic deaths and serious injuries at those 750 zones. How can anyone know whether the speed cameras have met its objective? According to DoT’s 2021 report, over 4.3 million tickets were issued for violations that were at least 10 mph above the speed limits. Where are the cameras and how much revenue has the City generated? Red light cameras would make better sense, but the City is limited by Albany lawmakers to only 150 intersections.
(1) Are all 2,000 installed cameras within the “school” zone? (2) Why are cameras on when schools are not in session? “School zone” safety is a misnomer. (3) How much has been collected since 2013, and who paid? (4) How much is uncollectable, and what are the reasons?
Good citizens get penalized for following the law. Change (1) the penalty schedule to start if at 40 mph or above, (2) hours back to 6 am to 10 pm; (3) location closer to school. Those using phony plates or any other means to cheat the system should have their penalty compounded!
Voters demand answers and action!!!
Candidate for City Council in 2023