Another check per child on federal government’s dime; not every child qualifies.

Message from Mayor Eric Adams’ July 27, 2023 email blast. “$120 will be distributed (per child) to all New York City public school families regardless of income to help with increasingly costly groceries. Expect to receive the funds soon on your P-EBT card. You can check here to see if funds have been added for your family. If you misplaced your P-EBT card, call 1-888-328-6399.”

The latest disbursement of funds — known as the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer, or P-EBT — aims to help cover summer meal costs for families whose students usually receive free meals at school. Since New York City public schools have universal meals, all families are eligible regardless of household income.

If your child is home schooled or in an institution not participating in free meals, the parents would have lost up to $1,671 per child. Is this fair?

I recommend that these parents deserve state and federal tax credits equal to the amount paid to other public schooled children.

Candidate for City Council in 2023