Local Law 97 will make apartment housing more expensive!

According to Carbon Emissions Limits for Buildings (Sponsors Local Law 97/2019), buildings over 25,000 square feet starting next year will be penalized heavily for not meeting emission target AND for not filing assessment report. Intro 913 is to delay Local Law 97 by 7 years.

City government buildings are suppose to meet the same 40% reduction target, but will those buildings be assessed the same way?

Private owners could only opt out if in “Financial Hardship” or if “local state of emergency declared by the mayor pursuant to section 24 of the executive law or a state of emergency declared by the
governor pursuant to sections 28 of the executive law, where such local or state emergency has an
impact on building emissions.”

How about supporting technology that burns fossil fuel cleaner instead of removing fossil fuel entirely from the grid? Reducing emission is the right direction. Think it through. Education, yes. Avoid surprises.

Vote Danniel Maio by November 7, 2023