True Cost of Living Report is NOT True Cost of Living NYC Charter Amendment. Confused?

On November 8, 2022. Voters adopted Ballot Proposal 4, which (r)equire the City to create a “true cost of living” measure to track the actual cost in New York City of meeting essential needs, including housing, food, childcare, transportation, and other necessary costs, and without considering public, private, or informal assistance, in order to inform…

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Proposed State Assembly lines 2023

State Assembly lines were voided by the Appellate Court on June 10, 2022. The New York State Independent Redistricting Commission was given the task to redraw instead of the Special Master Jonathan Cervas, who did State’s Congressional and State Senate lines. On April 20, 2023, the official Assembly Plan 2023 proposed is nearly identical to…

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LinkNYC’s 5G Towers

LinkNYC started less than 10 years ago to provide free wireless access. As part of its build out structure, it won a contract to build 5G Towers. A 5G explanation. Congressman Jerrold Nadler has asked FCC to stop construction at historical neighborhoolds.

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United States Treasury Fiscal Data

The fiscal year of the United States government is October 1 until March 31. How much has the United States spent so far? How much revenue has the US government collected? How much has the US government spent? What is the fiscal deficit nationally? What is the total National Debt? What is the current Debt…

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New York State Budget History

The State’s fiscal year begins April 1 and ends on March 31. However, the actual “budget cycle,” representing the time between early budget preparation and final disbursements, begins some nine months earlier (starting in July) and lasts approximately 27 months – until the expiration of the State Comptroller’s authority to honor vouchers against the previous…

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